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Friday, January 31, 2014

Mid Mon Valley Cultural Trust applies for $500,000

The Borough of Charleroi, in their December meeting, passed a resolution authorizing the submission of a $500,000 grant to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.  The Mid Mon Valley Cultural Trust will be the sub recipient and the grant will be used for the restoration of the Coyle Theater.

The Mid Mon Valley Cultural Trust has undergone many changes in the last few months with long term chairman Nancy Ellis leaving the Board and an expansion of the board from 7 to 14.  Adele Pireaux, the new chairman has overseen the expansion of the board and the creation of a business plan.  “The business plan is a living document and we will continuously amend the plan as the funding becomes available.  I believe the crucial part of the plan is the demographic analysis that shows there is a market for what we are proposing.”

The Trust has recently been able to turn the lights back on in the building and will be working to connect the sump pump to drain the water from the basement.  The Trust has plans in the next few weeks, to eliminate the current seating in the theater and give the structure a general clean up.

The Coyle Theater is located in an Enterprise Zone and is eligible for a 75% tax credit on all corporate contributions under the Neighborhood Assistance Program and will be seeking contributions to fix the roofs on all three of the Trust buildings, the Coyle and the two adjacent buildings.  The Board plans to authorize the filing of forms with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Charitable Organizations to authorize creation of a capital campaign. “We will be looking to raise $120,000 as soon as possible in order to stop the water infiltration throughout the building”, said Pireaux.